The story follows six high school students who meet during the summer. The protagonist is Tohko Fukami, a 17-year-old born in Fukui Prefecture. Tōko Fukami's family runs a glass-working business in a small seaside town. She hangs out with her four best friends at a cafe called "Kazemichi." During the summer break of their senior year in high school, they meet a transfer student named Kakeru Okikura, who claims that a voice from the future talks to him, and that it's led him to Tōko. His arrival sets off a series of events that will make their final summer together one full of hope and heartache. Her dream is to become a glass artisan.
On the other side of the glass, you can see tomorrow.
Opening Theme: "Natsu no Hi to Kimi no Koe" by ChouCho (TV Size)
Ending Theme: "Toumei na Sekai" by nano.RIPE (TV Size)