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Terra Formars / テラフォーマーズ
Opening Theme
Ending Theme
"Lightning" by TERRASPEX
Free! -Eternal Summer- Special Omake Bonus
Description: This is the special omake you'll get if you pre-reserve Free! -Eternal Summer- BD/DVD from five different shops like Animate or Tower Records. Each shop have its own version of FUTURE FISH, sang by each of the Style Five members.Release Date: Sept 17, 2014
Catalogue No.
File Size: 47MB [ZS]
Password: fftkt2309#anime-mp3
01 FUTURE FISH (Haruka Nanase ver.)
02 FUTURE FISH (Hazuki Nagisa ver.)
03 FUTURE FISH (Matsuoka rin ver.)
04 FUTURE FISH (Ryuugazaki Rei ver.)
05 FUTURE FISH (Tachibana Makoto ver.)
ラブライブ! (Love Live! School Idol Project)
The story is about this all girl's school in Otonokizaka High School, and it's going to be closed down in a few years because it's not attracting any new students. So, three students decide to start an Idol club because school idols are really popular at the time. Now with determination they are working to recruit more members and become one of the best school idol groups. The story is simple and kicks off the anime giving it a good start. The art isn't bad, but its not amazing either, and the characters are cute and hilarious. The sound is very nice, OST and the idol's singing and dancing. My enjoyment of this is high and the overall is decent. I have been really enjoying this anime. I love girly things like this, it makes me feel so young again and I love singing and music. Enjoyment is hard to write about because it's how the viewer feels. I personally like watching all of the characters and their different ways, however some may feel differently.{Latest Updated: Aug 23, 2014}
Opening Theme:
1. "Bokura wa Ima no Naka de" by μ's [Full Ver.]
2. "Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki" [Full Ver.]
「普通の女子校生が【ろこどる】やってみた。」ヴォーカル・アルバム ~ろこどる課外活動報告~ / 宇佐美奈々子 (CV: 伊藤美来)、小日向緑 (CV: 三澤紗千香)
Mini album released of "Locodol" anime series including theme songs with character song.Character: Nanako Usami (CV: Miku Ito) & Midori Kohinata (CV: Sachika Misawa)

Catalog No. COCX-38721
File Size: 100 MB (w/ BK)
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≪Track List≫
1.エンディング・テーマ「未来少女たち(Version 2)」2.「For you!!」
4.「Within U」
6.未来少女たち(Version 2) Off Vocal Version
7.For you!! Off Vocal Version
8.魚心くんソング Off Vocal Version
9.Within U Off Vocal Version
10.あぁ流川 Off Vocal Version

Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE Vol.2 - Chapter of the First Quarter
Release Date: Sept 17, 2014Catalogue No. REC-128
File Size: 132 MB (TF)
逆巻アヤト : 緑川光
逆巻カナト : 梶裕貴
逆巻ライト : 平川大輔
逆巻シュウ : 鳥海浩輔
逆巻レイジ : 小西克幸
逆巻スバル : 近藤隆
Diabolik Lovers VERSUS II Vol.6 Yuma VS Azusa
CV: Suzuki Tatsuhisa and Daisuke Kishio
Catalogue No. REC-126Release Date: Sept 17, 2014
File Size: 154 MB (w/ BK)
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Password: dialov@anime-mp3
01 隠れ部屋の秘密
02 欠ける月を見ながら
03 空から来た使い
04 心に巣食らう悪魔
05 レゾンデートル
06 兄と弟
Free! -Eternal Summer- Original Drama CD Vol. 1

Release Date: Sept 17, 2014
Catalogue No. LACA-15451
File Size: 87 MB (TF)
01 Yuki no Hi no Haruka to Makoto
02 Iwatobi Koukou Suiseibu Shinnyuusei Kan'yuu Bangumi
03 Free na Neoki Dokkiri. part 1
04 Samezuka Mushitori Monogatari
05 Free na Neoki Dokkiri. part 2
06 Nagisa to Rin no Toaru Kyuujitsu
07 Free na Neoki Dokkiri. part 3
08 Stress? Nani Sore? Oshii no?
09 Free na Neoki Dokkiri. part 4
10 Makoto to Rin to Kuro Neko to
11 Free na Neoki Dokkiri. part 5
12 Nanase Haruka no Toaru Ichinichi
Yowamushi Pedal O.S.T. 1
Release Date: Sept 17, 2014
Catalogue No. THCA-60040
File Size: 59 MB
01 Sakamichi
02 Souhoku Koukou Jitensha Kyougibu
03 Asaren
04 Kihon
05 Jitensha e no Aijou
07 Akiba!
08 Kimi no Aniken
09 Aniken Fukkatsu e!
10 Koubaibu no Tatakai
11 Kurumayoi
12 Tadokoro Special Burger
13 Gacchigachi
14 High Cadence
15 Sakamichi no Egao
16 Kyoumi
17 Kyodai na Ishikabe
18 Ugokanai Ashi
19 Hitorigoto
20 Kusen
21 Kakehiki
22 Wakiagaru Kimochi
23 Gyakuten
24 Top Sprinter
25 Onigokko
26 Omotai Karada
27 Shinbou
28 Two Click Shift Up
29 Yakusoku
30 Kizuna
31 Choujou no Keshiki
32 Komiageru Kitai
Release Date: Sept 17, 2014
Catalogue No. THCA-60040
File Size: 59 MB
01 Sakamichi
02 Souhoku Koukou Jitensha Kyougibu
03 Asaren
04 Kihon
05 Jitensha e no Aijou
07 Akiba!
08 Kimi no Aniken
09 Aniken Fukkatsu e!
10 Koubaibu no Tatakai
11 Kurumayoi
12 Tadokoro Special Burger
13 Gacchigachi
14 High Cadence
15 Sakamichi no Egao
16 Kyoumi
17 Kyodai na Ishikabe
18 Ugokanai Ashi
19 Hitorigoto
20 Kusen
21 Kakehiki
22 Wakiagaru Kimochi
23 Gyakuten
24 Top Sprinter
25 Onigokko
26 Omotai Karada
27 Shinbou
28 Two Click Shift Up
29 Yakusoku
30 Kizuna
31 Choujou no Keshiki
32 Komiageru Kitai
TVアニメ『Free!』 WEB版予告映像、キャスト・オーディオコメンタリー「Special Free! Talk ES (1)」(島崎信長・鈴木達央・宮野真守) 今だから語れる! "Free! ES フリ返り"コメンタリー!
Released: Sept 17, 2014Catalog No. PCBE-54651
File Size: 138 MB (w/ BK)
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≪Track List≫
01 WEBラジオ特別版CD_サメヅカちゃんねる_vol.1
02 あの夏のロングスローディスタンス
Riddle Story of Devil Original Soundtrack CD Vol.2
「悪魔のリドル」オリジナルサウンドトラックCD Vol.2
Released: Sept 17, 2014Catalog No. PCXG-50404
File Size: 114 MB (w/ BK)
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≪Track List≫
01. 安堵の日常02. カイバ先生の部屋
03. メール連絡
04. 何も知らない
05. 深まる謎
06. 溢れる違和感
07. サイコキラー
08. 交戦すふ者達
09. お茶会へようこそ
10. 今日からクラスメイト
11. 拭えない過去
12. 悲痛のスパイラル
13. あの日への償い
14. 腐った海の匂い
15. 隠された殺意
16. 終わりの始まり
17. 判断のとき
18. 予期せぬ報せ
19. 対峙する刃
20. 危機迫る
21. 時限開始
22. 障る狂気
23. 踏み躙られる心と身体
One Week Friends Original Soundtrack一週間フレンズ。 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
Released: Sept 17, 2014Catalog No. THCA-60039
File Size: 161 MB (w/ BK)
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≪Track List≫
01. 友達の記憶
02. もどかしい気持ち
03. 昼休みの屋上
04. お昼は二人で
05. 私の大切な友達
06. 藤宮さんとおしゃべり
07. 藤宮さんにドキドキ
08. 長谷くんと桐生くん
09. 楽しい放課後
10. おっとり沙希ちゃん
11. 新しい友達
12. てとてと沙希
13. そんなに仲良くならないで!
14. やきもき長谷くん
15. 楽しい放課後
16. 学校の帰り道
17. 朝の光の中で
18. 藤宮さんの日記
19. 消えない想い、いつまでも
20. 不安な日々
21. 過去の出来事
22. 忘却の彼方に
23. 月曜日
24. 記憶の消失
25. 偽りの記憶
26. 友達になりたい
27. 穏やかな時
28. 気持ち、あふれて
29. 友達の記憶
30. 虹のかけら-Piano ver.-
31. 奏(かなで)-TV size ver.-
32. 虹のかけら-TV size ver.-
Character: Izumi Sena (CV. Tsubasa Yonaga)Released: Sept 10, 2014
Catalog No. LACM-14268
File Size: 26 MB 【TF】
Password: cs3@anime-mp3
≪Track List≫
02 オリジナルミニドラマ-コラボルームで抱きしめて- act.1
03 『魔法天使ララルル』テーマソング「ミラクル☆ララルル」泉水Ver.
04 EVERYDAY MAGIC(off vocal)
05 『魔法天使ララルル』テーマソング「ミラクル☆ララルル」泉水Ver.(off vocal)
「ハイキュー!!」 オーディオドラマ & オリジナルサウンドトラック Vol. 3
Catalog No. TBR24353D
≪Track List≫
3.作戦会議 链接
4.オーディオドラマ 「ノヤっさんがモテない理由」
MP3 : 26 MB 【TF】
Kaitou Joker / 怪盗ジョーカー
In the story, there is nothing in the world that the mysterious phantom thief Joker cannot steal. He goes after one treasure after another in unpredictable capers with seemingly miraculous tricks.
Opening Theme
"Kaitou Miracle Shounen Boy (怪盗ミラクル少年ボーイ) by Arukarider (アルカライダー)
Ending Theme
"Parade Illusion (パレード・イリュージョン)" by Mainya with Shuffle Sisters (まいにゃ with シャッフルシスターズ)
Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de / 異能バトルは日常系のなかで
Half a year ago, the four members of a literature club, as well as the elementary school niece of their faculty adviser, were bestowed with supernatural powers. The boy in the club, Ando Jurai, became able to produce black flames. The girls acquired a variety of powerful abilities: Tomoyo could slow, speed, or stop time, Hatoko could control the five elements (earth, water, fire, wind, light), little Chifuyu could create things, and Sayumi could repair objects or heal living things. However, since they gained these powers, nothing has really changed in their everyday life. Why have they been given these powers in the first place? Will the heroic fantasy life they imagined these powers would bring ever actually arrive?
Opening Theme
"OVERLAPPERS" by Qverktett: (Haruka Yamazaki, Saori Hayami, Risa Taneda, Nanami Yamashita)
Ending Theme
"You Gotta Love Me!" by Kato*Fuku
Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle / 棺姫のチャイカ AVENGING BATTLE
Second Season of Hitsugi no Chaika series.
Opening Theme
"Shikkoku wo Nuritsubuse (漆黒を塗りつぶせ)" by Iori Nomizu
Ending Theme
"Watashi wa Omae no Naka ni Iru" (ワタシハオマエノナカニイル) by coffin princess (CV: Chika Anzai, Saeko Zougou, Iori Nomizu)
Gundam Build Fighters Try / ガンダムビルドファイターズトライ
The story of Gundam Build Fighters Try is set 7 years after the end of the 1st series, when Iori Sei and Reiji won the 7th Gunpla Battle World Championships. Now Seiho Academy's Gunpla Battle Club has only one member, Hoshino Fumina, who is a third grade student in junior high. As the president of the club, she needs two more members to participate in the upcoming All-Japan Gunpla Battle Championships. One day she encounters a transfer student named Kamiki Sekai, who has traveled around for Kenpo training with his master. Then joining by a young Gunpla builder Kousaka Yuuma, their challenge to the Gunpla Battle begins....
Opening Theme
SoonEnding Theme
"Amazing The World (アメイジングザワールド)" by SCREEN mode
Gugure! Kokkuri-san / 繰繰れ!コックリさん
The story revolves around a little girl named Kohina. Kohina ends up summoning Kokkuri-san (a low-ranking ghost in Japanese folklore), who turns out to be a handsome, young, white-haired man. At first. he merely intends to haunt her but soon becomes worried about her eating habits. Now he haunts her in order to protect her.
Opening Theme :
"Welcome!! DISCO Kemo Kemo Ke (Welcome!!DISCOけもけもけ)" by Kokkuri-san (CV: Daisuke Ono). Narration by Inugami (CV: Takahiro Sakurai), Shigaraki (CV: Jouji Nakata)
Ending Theme :
Grisaia no Kajitsu / グリザイアの果実
Mihama Academy—on the surface, a closed learning environment established to nurture students who find themselves at odds with the world around them; in actuality, an orchard-cum-prison built to preserve fruit that has fallen too far from its tree.
Whatever the circumstances behind its establishment, Mihama Academy is at present home to five female students, all with their own reasons for "enrollment." For better or worse, each girl has established a routine obliging of her current situation; life moves at an idle, yet accommodating pace within the walls of Mihama.
Yet with the arrival of the institute's first male student, the nearly preposterously opaque Kazami Yuuji, the students at Mihama begin to fall out of step with their predetermined rhythms. Will Yuuji prove to be the element the girls around him needed to take hold of their lives once more, or will the weight of their pasts prove too steep a wall to overcome?
And in the first place, just who is Kazami Yuuji? While the true nature of the "job" he is wont to alight to at the most haphazard of moments remains shrouded in secrecy, one thing is for certain—his encroachment upon the quiet orchard known as Mihama Academy will prove itself momentous in one way or another. And of course, one cannot discount the possibility that perhaps Yuuji himself carries the weightiest past of any of the students...
"Rakuen no Tsubasa (楽園の翼)" By Maon Kurosaki (15 Oct 2014)
"Anata no Aishita Sekai (あなたの愛した世界)" By Yoshino Nanjo (05 Oct 2014)

Released: December 22, 2010
Catalog No. KICA-3129
File Size: 183 MB (w/ BK)
Password: aras#anime-mp3
Last Updated: Nov 01, 2013
Track List:
01 Deep Blue 1
02 Venus to Jesus (TV Size)
03 Koko no Hitotachi... Mina, Denpa da!!!
04 Trade
05 Yasaibatake de Konnichiwa
06 Meimei "Recruit"
07 Ooki na Hoshi no Hashi no Shita
08 Datte Midori da mono
09 Ansoku no Basho
10 Sumou sukka?
11 Buta
12 Ihen
13 Amen
14 Genkaku
15 Uni
16 Rec no Omoide
17 Kaze no you ni... Kumo no you ni...
18 Sakasama Bridge (TV-SIZE)
19 Arakawa Ippatsugei Taikai
20 Deep Blue 2
21 Deep Blue 3
23 Watashi ni Koi wo Sasete Kurenai ka
24 Sister no Oshie
25 Family & Father
26 Zangeshitsu
27 Jugyou Kaishi
28 Ippanjin ni wa 3 Combo made
29 R·i·v·a·l
30 Shukketsu Dai-Service
31 Sai no Kuni no Amazons
32 Nazo ga Nazo Yobu Arakawa Kasenshiki
33 Chikyuu Boueitai
34 Joushikitte Nanda?
35 Akai Coat
36 Kari wo Tsukurenai Otoko
37 Title Nante Jibun de Kangaenasai na
38 Ikuyou☆Go! Summer!! ~Iya, Iku no wa Kinsei dakara~
39 Arakawa Saikyou Yokai Ondo

Original Title: 赤いコート by スネオヘアー
Released: December 08, 2010
Catalog No. KICS-1633
File Size: 52 MB (320kbps + BK)
TF || 10 July 2013
Track List:
1. Akai Coat
2. Walk and Joy
3. Bleep Yeah
4. Mail Shite

Released: November 17, 2010
Catalog No. KICM-1323
Download: 30 MB (TF)
Last Updated: April 12, 2014
Track List:
2. Nanchatte The World
3. Wool wa Yukkuri Yume wo Miru ka?

Original Title: 逆様ブリッジby スネオヘアー
Released: June 23, 2010
Catalog No. KICS-1562
File Size: 40 MB (320kbps)
Password: 1512anime-mp3
Last Updated: Dec 15, 2013
Track List:
1. Sakasama Bridge
2. Tokimeki Schneider
3. kimiga suki
4. Sarari

Original Title: COSMOS vs ALIEN by やくしまるえつこ
Released: May 26, 2010
Catalog No. KICM-1312
File Size: 21 MB (320kbps)
Last Updated: 27 Sept 2013
Track List:
1. Venus to Jesus
2. Mister Mythmaker
3. Nekomeshi
ゴールデンタイム Vivid Memories プレミアムCD
Released: Mar 27, 2014
Password: gT566@anime-mp3
Disc 1
1 「逡巡のパーティメイカー」1
2 「逡巡のパーティメイカー」2
File Size: 73 MB 【TF】
Disc 2:
01 学園生活
02 ないしょのはなし
03 ちいさな妖精
04 渚ドライブ
05 私を捕まえてごらんなさいな
06 暴走さおちゃん&しーちゃん
07 それって浮気だよ?
08 すれ違い
09 最後まで言えなかった言葉
10 消えてしまった日々
11 次の春
12 友情の芽生
13 決意
14 ずっと、ずっと一緒だよ
15 淡い陰り
16 新しい物語
17 お祭り研究会
18 NANA先輩オンステージ
19 ようこそチルドレン
20 新入生歓迎です!!
21 8bitを捕まえて
22 8bitでさおちゃん&しーちゃん
23 浮気は8bitでFA
24 NANAパイセン 8bit
File Size: 113 MB 【TF】
Released: Mar 27, 2014

Disc 1
1 「逡巡のパーティメイカー」1
2 「逡巡のパーティメイカー」2
File Size: 73 MB 【TF】
Disc 2:
01 学園生活
02 ないしょのはなし
03 ちいさな妖精
04 渚ドライブ
05 私を捕まえてごらんなさいな
06 暴走さおちゃん&しーちゃん
07 それって浮気だよ?
08 すれ違い
09 最後まで言えなかった言葉
10 消えてしまった日々
11 次の春
12 友情の芽生
13 決意
14 ずっと、ずっと一緒だよ
15 淡い陰り
16 新しい物語
17 お祭り研究会
18 NANA先輩オンステージ
19 ようこそチルドレン
20 新入生歓迎です!!
21 8bitを捕まえて
22 8bitでさおちゃん&しーちゃん
23 浮気は8bitでFA
24 NANAパイセン 8bit
File Size: 113 MB 【TF】

Artist: 多田万里役:古川 慎、柳澤光央役:石川界人
Released: Mar 26, 2014
File Size: 284 MB (w/ BK)
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Password: dt789#anime-mp3
≪Track List≫
慎・界人のふぁうふぁうタイム 第5回~8回